What’s in a Name? McCormick & Company, Incorporated v. Primal Palate, LLC
January 30, 2019
This is the question that has arisen in a lawsuit filed by McCormick & Company, Incorporated against Primal Palate, LLC. McCormick’s claim is that Primal…

Medical Cannabis and Employment in Maryland: Looking for Clarity in the Haze
September 17, 2018
Now that Maryland, and several other states and jurisdictions have decriminalized cannabis for medical use, there is a new and unique employment issue to consider. …

Accrue? Arise? What’s the difference? Why does it matter?
May 15, 2018
In the case of Duffy v. CBS Corporation et al., the Court of Appeals of Maryland decided whether there was a difference between the words “accrue”…

An Expert Need Not Be A Specialist
September 15, 2017
Parties fight over the admissibility of expert opinions for various reasons. Recently, in Levtias v. Christian, No. 58, September Term 2016 (July 11, 2017), the Court…

Enhanced Underinsurance Motor Vehicle Coverage May Be Coming to Maryland
July 13, 2017
Underinsured motorist coverage provides protection when you’re in an accident with an at-fault driver whose liability limits are too low to cover the damage or…

Choice of a Few Words Make a Major Difference in Contracts
August 29, 2016
In the case of Larry Klayman v. Judicial Watch, Inc., the United States District Court for the District of Columbia had to carefully consider a specific…

It’s a Snow Emergency. Now what?
February 5, 2016
During winter months in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, residents cannot help but notice the “Emergency Snow Route” signs and the news reports…

Revisions to D.C. Superior Court Rules for Civil Procedure
October 21, 2015
D.C. promulgated new superior court rules for civil procedure. These rules took effect on October 12, 2015 and will govern all proceedings filed after that…

Hey! Can I Borrow Your Car?
July 6, 2015
If you loan your car to friends or family, then you probably have heard this question before. However, do you know your responsibility if your…

You Can’t Talk About Insurance in Court!…Or Can You?
January 30, 2015
The Maryland Rules of Evidence generally prohibit any mention of a person having or not having liability insurance for the purpose of proving whether that…