Maryland Court of Appeals Confirms Chief Judge Acted Within Authority to Toll Statute of Limitations During COVID-19 Pandemic
May 20, 2022
On April 24, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, then-Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera issued an administrative order that temporarily tolled statutes of…
Law in Support of Admission of Medical Bills When Plaintiffs Seek to Keep Them from the Jury
March 16, 2022
A growing trend in personal injury litigation is for plaintiffs to waive and attempt to exclude all evidence of medical specials and other economic damages…
COSA Makes Clear that a Physician’s License May be Revoked Without a Hearing Following a Crime of Moral Turpitude
December 2, 2021
Maryland Courts have long recognized the property interest physicians have in their medical licenses. In 1998, the Court of Appeals emphasized this interest, holding that…